Thursday, November 15, 2012
Darkness Has Its Place
Darkness is smooth like pouring cream
Filling the cracks
It is darkness that does the heavy lifting
Crawling across walls in the course of a day
A sheltering cloak
A wide oak spreading into the white
Cool underneath
Darkness has its place
Nestling the firmaments
The combusting stars
Creators of life
Giving each the courtesy of a separate space
Darkness has its job
Nestling each heart within its cavity
Together yet alone
One pin pricked black cushion
Can an x-ray reveal?
The heart of darkness that resides within each
The engine in a cave
Each heart a star beating
A light bathed in darkness
© 2012 Audri Phillips
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Global Wahrman: Welcome to Global Wahrman
This site is destined to be insightful and entertaining. Michael Wahrman an old friend of mine who is a pioneer in the digital/computer world has a lot of worthwhile and thought provoking things to say.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Nestled in the earth
Can a wooden school ruler describe
The space inside
With flower already envisioned
How big is that
And what about the cavity that holds the heart
How large is the space that contains the pain
How do we measure the pulsating border
Soft and shadowed
Where one stops and one starts
© 2009 Audri Phillips
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Balance Adjustments
The day I found it I also found my long lost glasses. My good glasses, my reading glasses, my seeing things up close glasses. Still haven't admitted i also need glasses for seeing things from far away. I was running around using my spares for weeks, not wanting to spend more to buy new ones when I was still paying off the bill.
My dad is forgetting a lot lately. It is scary to him, not remembering whole days of time or what he did an hour ago. Last time I talked to him he told me that at least he could still remember my name. He goes over and over in his head what he does remember, hoping repetition will cement the memory in place. He said the retrieval time is longer. He has to swim further out each time to find where the waves wash over him. When are they going to start inserting new hard drives into our heads? Update your memory banks with some new fresh ram.
You make a change, put more of your markers on one side of the long board and you have to walk out further to gain equilibrium. Like 2 kids shifting their weight on a see saw. One day I'll be catapulted right off.
The more rabbits there are, the more wolves there are, the fewer rabbits the fewer wolves. That's why putting predator insects on crops to kill off the parasites never works. The predators never kill off all their prey. The species on this planet are all interdependent, or were until we took over the change part of the equation and forgot to fight for the balance.
When are we going to get that there can be no balance until men and women are true partners, when the rights of all living things on this planet are respected.
It comes natural to us, playing with our own evolution, changing it and the evolution of everything on this planet. But what we aren't good at is establishing a new balance once we have melted the icecap.
Chasing down wolves in Alaska with helicopters just doesn't seem to be the answer. Had to turn off the newscast right before they gunned down that frightened wolf.
Anyway I found my glasses and notebook on the back floor of my car, I had searched there many times before. I picked up the glasses, wearing them right now, but the notebook is still there. Waiting for me to write down some explanation of it all. Something that will make sense.
Will I be able to find my dad on the back floor of my car when I lose him?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Those harbinger drifters from the carnival fringe
Who's words came out slowly to darken this town
The Mayor, the Gardener, the Governor and the Clown
Didn't quite hear what voters had meant
When they went out to vote and got rain on their tent
To deliver on skids the Nation's frustration.
A stark Episcopalian escalation
Right at the steps of the doors to the yard
This pile of shit was our business card
Their jockstrap knee jerk earmarks success and
Testicular ruminations couldn't bore me less
overruled pathetic devotion to a depleted joke
We got a new coal plant, the other one broke
You can't sit and tell me the system ain't broke
Sorry twins
Friday, June 6, 2008
Fearless Crow
From a foot away she regarded me
Cocking her head side to side
Beady black eyeball facing me at all times
Shifting her weight from leg to leg
Closer I came and still she remained
Whether I moved forward or back the crow did not fly
I put down my groceries on the sidewalk
Covered in the shadows of old oak trees
To talk with this befuddling bird
One night I dreamed my mother had passed
I was alone and cold
With her had gone all the warmth of the world
Primal remembrance of the sauna in the womb
Perhaps this is why women carry children
To the welcoming light of the earth
The rounded swell at the end of the curve
Where the stem meets the branch
Forever until the tree blooms in color
A season and direction for a leaf
Compelling forces of the fall
Gravity and love
They say space and time explode outward from a point
As territory grows the clock hand circles
Creating is said to take time
This center point lacking both size and time
Is this where the fall ends and begins
Where I and the crow wait?
© 2008 Audri Phillips
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Shape Of the Universe
A loosely spun cocoon
Twisted at the ends
Swelling outwards
Ripe like a bursting plum
Soft and sweet and sour
By the winter the squirrels will have at it
I race on my bicycle to the outskirts
Wheels spinning in the dark swirling storm
Where nothing meets something
I might have learned
One can wait in joy
One can wait in agony
It is all the same
What if we had the fourth sense
The one denied us
Waiting in the wings
© 2008 Audri Phillips
Monday, May 19, 2008
Our cool kopek (from Ceferino Elrod)
She looked forward to hearing men speak of her father as a she.
Another of We came on some, the day before last, said Jaime.
Addam Marbrands scouts had found them,
might not think him worthy of the silver,
but Pate knew how to set a bone and leech a fever.
Note: This was received as spam mail to sell Viagra. I liked the title "Our cool kopek" and it was sent by "Ceferino Elrod". Finding the phrases and rhythm quite pleasing, I decided to post this spam email as poetry. I make no claims to be the author, only to identify the work as poetry.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Shelter for the Cricket
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Wiggle Room or Sock Escape
City tree out of place
Mired in cross communication wires
Bumping up sidewalk cracks
Got tangled up in shoe
So the toe makes a break for a hole in the sock
Small root projection tearing through the cloth
Angling for some air
Fresh away from the other 4
Still that foot insists on coming along
Chipped purple nail polish out on the town
Mud pie fare of water and dirt
No more cause
Little toe is making like a leaf
Drinking up the light
© 2008 Audri Phillips
Friday, April 4, 2008
Photographs of Dorian Gray
Purchased with quarters and dimes
Pressed from the hands of true believers
Not saved over the years but
Caught with a net at moment's intent
Due payment, the transaction is applied
Like layers of white gauze over
A row of swollen stitches
Unsanctified healing
Alive like a bullet from a flash of powder
Air oxygen ferrous clay breathes and sweats
Sweet salt develops into images
Inside the darkroom every fraction of a second
Servants of will-power stoke the boiler
Bladed shutters open
When the gauze falls away
Scars of indiscretion are masked by
A cake of cadmium persona
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Chord Progression
Awakening awash with filtered stripes
Blind light
Strange soft shadows
Clamorous discourse outside
The drone
T Rex descendants
Liberated high in the palm of the sky
Dancing and chirping through the octaves
Every note lofted by the wind
The echo
Where is the on flight melody
When in the winged cycle
The song bird is born and dies on the same chord
The hum
Sound over time
Music or discord
The circle of fifths
Offering only a new sharp
My father remembers nothing
The progression
My little black cat
Grace leaps onto my breast
The purr
Do I lose this as well to the
© 2008 Audri Phillips
Friday, March 21, 2008
More or Less
flesh, blood and convoluted
Distant, the barren silencewhere essence is rooted
More varied in nature,than god and less near
Rarely in an imageof something crystal clear
More exuberant,more immediate,
less austere
With oh, much confusionand far, far greater fear
Beyond your drab conceptionsof truth grand and dear
With faith in independencefirmly held and sincere
Knowing all too well it mustfinally disappear
With gentle death
‘Cause in the end there’s nothing, more or less
Finding signs in lover’s eyes
and in the words of men
Then finding peace still missingto begin that search again
Hard science lights a candle,in the blackest night
A path thru superstitionto dim future, fully bright
Intuition demands trustin only reason’s might
Ever mindful of the distancefrom delusion to insight
With blessed frequent respitein romance’s lambent light
Desire’s fleeting naturerenders passion no less bright
There’s cause in creativityand money’s a delight
But no final solutionto our appetite
For stress
For in the end there’s nothing, more or less
but the query found the sleuth
Seeking for the core suggestsa proof of the truth
It turns out that its namemeans nothin’ to me
When called spiritthen all is spirituality
If we look for mind,consciousness is all we’ll see
Name it god or love,you’re really still not free
Words trapping the experience,to separate it from me
What finally snaps the chains
of that verbal slavery
Is only this,
In the end there’s nothing more or less
a perplexing maze
And god is even more so,or so reason seems to say
Complications of existenceweigh me down
Ten thousand separate jewelsin the lords crown
Ten thousand soulsin ten thousand towns
Awaiting his coming,knees bent to the ground
Hands uplifted,faces facing down
When that gentle laughdrew my attention ‘round
Emerson’s voice, in my ear,a blissful sound
Gem-like phrases resonate,celebrate
and resound
To teach and bless
That in the truth, there’s neither more nor less
With feet on this dusty road,
and no sight of start or end
The horizon stretched before us,highway without a bend
More vast than we can grasp,we behold the view
The horizon doesn’t hold the truth,the road itself is true
To try to understand we can,dissect the avenue
Sift through countless qualitiessearching for a clue
Faith and hope and charity,kindness and virtue
Shatter its workings tenfold,concepts to help imbue
Our inkling of a worldwe somehow already knew
Or take in thirds life’s natureto help the mind lasso
By body, soul and spirit,a creator’s parts and glue
Or split truth down the middleto help the mind construe
The nature and the meaning ofnature’s cosmic review
Good and bad, death and life,divide the truth in two
Still all these fractions from,one single essence grew
At some point all the splintered partsmust collapse into
One heart, one mind in concertthe divisions can undo
In quietness they coalesce
‘Cause in the end there is no more nor less
Saturday, March 15, 2008
A Yogurt's Life
Arriving home from work
I am defeated by the yogurt I forgot to refrigerate
Sitting spoiled on the table
French Vanilla untasted
Once gleaming proud on the factory line
Market surveyed
Carefully heat sealed
Certified and dated
Does my yogurt mourn
Lost potential
My sleek cat brushes my leg
Chasing a lizard brought in
I am defeated by the email photo from a traveling friend
A squalid market place
White chickens alive
Packed unmovable tight in a crate
A cat sits by licking its paws
I am defeated by the lizards tail
Found on the floor like a green pebbly licorice
My traveling friend calls
Informant of the bigger picture
Back from the earth's other side
Home of folded yogis quiet
The message
The poor there seem happy
When is acceptance resignation
What is a state of grace
If I worked at a car factory
I would bless each piece on the assembly line
Hoping the car imbued with love
Would make an owner happy
That their travels would be safe
I find The tailless green lizard
Crouched still behind the bench
Head cocked to the side
Alive and waiting
© 2008 Audri phillips
Saturday, March 8, 2008
The world is so incredible
most things in it are edible
The people most hospitable
The climate most amenable
The daily races most titanic
Flowers from the Adriatic
Strike me as I'm sitting static
A gust of birds in sudden panic
Take me all the way romantic
Volcano top and monkey blanket
Take away my polytechnic
Flashing glowing skies electric
See the mantle
Touch the dove
Watch it resting
In my glove
The worlds my gardener
And I'm the mole
Living sweetly
In my hole
Above a wash
In my motel
I see all this
It suits me well
The drainage pipe
It's not so fine
So this is where
I draw the line
I draw it quick
In inky stick
Connecting dots
With lots of plots
Around the globe
Follow the equator
But don't put that thing
In the refrigerator
I see my mission now
And my plants realize
When my visions dim
I must fertilize
Thursday, March 6, 2008
March Poetry and Writings - place here
remember- let me know if you would like to be invited to be an author who can post-
Friday, February 22, 2008
Once In Awhile I Get A Reminder
The smug cup of tea that starts to boil
The pixelated image on the monitor
A video game with a stuck soldier
The veins in my hands
The high whine of my refrigerator
Constant in my head
The shifting weight of a dead cat in a shoe box
The saved house and the house burnt to the ground
Matter changed not destroyed
Creaking underpinnings of a carousel
A torn rag doll
Spewing out cotton innards
What is this chemical peel that rents through our world
Bends us over, flesh and soul
© 2008 Audri Phillips