Friday, February 22, 2008

Once In Awhile I Get A Reminder

The smug cup of tea that starts to boil

The pixelated image on the monitor

A video game with a stuck soldier

The veins in my hands

The high whine of my refrigerator

Constant in my head

The shifting weight of a dead cat in a shoe box

The saved house and the house burnt to the ground

Matter changed not destroyed

Creaking underpinnings of a carousel

A torn rag doll

Spewing out cotton innards

What is this chemical peel that rents through our world

Bends us over, flesh and soul

© 2008 Audri Phillips

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Poetry Febuary 2007

For Febuary 2007 - Add your new writings and comments on the writings of others here in the comments section.