Friday, February 22, 2008

Once In Awhile I Get A Reminder

The smug cup of tea that starts to boil

The pixelated image on the monitor

A video game with a stuck soldier

The veins in my hands

The high whine of my refrigerator

Constant in my head

The shifting weight of a dead cat in a shoe box

The saved house and the house burnt to the ground

Matter changed not destroyed

Creaking underpinnings of a carousel

A torn rag doll

Spewing out cotton innards

What is this chemical peel that rents through our world

Bends us over, flesh and soul

© 2008 Audri Phillips


Chris said...

I love this line:
"What is this chemical peel
that rents through our world
Bends us over, flesh and soul"

Love it.

and these too:
"Creaking underpinnings
of a carousel
A torn rag doll
Spewing out cotton innards" (except I'd remove the word "out")

good stuff.

I'd rearrange this: "The shifting weight of a dead cat in a shoe box"

to this: "In a shoe box, the shifting weight of a dead cat"

So that the shocking punch line "dead cat" is at the end.

Anonymous said...

Haunts me. Such palpable and poignant examples, the content of each moment so highly charged, and yet so indifferent. Behind all our attributions of meaning, the sheer mechanics of the world. Is it entropy? "The veins in my hands." This poem has a growing power. And it's beautiful.